Friday, August 31, 2012

Piranha Lost With This Indonesian Monster Fish

Giant Snakehead, as the English call it. One type of fish was finally caught by an angler in Lincolnshire, England. This fish is also called "gangster"of fish. Because he eats everything he saw, even reported to have killed humans.

Amazingly, the snakehead can walk on land, particularly at night during the dry season, looking for a place that is still runny. If the state is very dry, this fish can be forced to bury themselves in the mud to wait until the place was re-watering. Snakehead does have the ability to breathe immediately thanks to the labyrinth organ.

The fish was first caught by Andy Alder from Lincoln. He accidentally caught fish is 60 cm long when he was fishing in the river Witham near North Hykeham, UK. (Snakehead can grow a maximum of about 1 meter).

"The fish has a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Honestly, I'm scared shitless. Once found, these fish are not only caused panic fishermen but also nature conservation activists," said Andy Alder.

Ben Weir, a journalist from fishing magazine said, "In all my work in the field of fishing, I have not heard much concern as it sounds. Fish is real and they will not hesitate to attack humans to protect their children. Experts have examined pictures of fish and confirm that this fish is a true predator.
Now, this fish has been blacklisted for import of prohibited species in the UK. Although there remains concern that these fish can be smuggled in for an aquarium pets and then released illegally.

Snakehead not only create fear in the UK, but also to America. Obama in his country, the fish got more sinister nickname, "Franken Fish". Indeed, as a predator of all creatures in the water, suitable of the name because it is really a monster.
 In 2002, the waters of the United States created panic and chaos caused by the appearance of the monster fish. So the sniper prepared in the river to shoot them. At that time, the river filled with blood to lure them out.

Quite surprisingly, the fish are not from America or Europe, but rather imported from Southeast Asia. Yes, there are many fish in Indonesia and we call it:  CORK
 Oh mister ... if in here, this fish was made ​​into crackers, pempek, spiced tempoyak, or the "Gabus Pucung" - typical food ethnic Betawi in Jakarta. Apparently the more powerful Indonesia, right? When the American and British fears with the monster, we even make that for dining.

Finally, Indonesia Have Coffee Festival

There are 14 provinces in Indonesia which is known as a producer of coffee. Each coffee has a taste that is different. These copies became world consumption. Unfortunately, not many people know they drink coffee actually comes from Indonesia.

"We want to popularize coffee in Indonesia, both internationally and locally. Coffee-Coffee Indonesia, we prefer not to know where it came from," said Director of Indonesian Coffee Festival 2012, Ellyanthi Tambunan, during a press conference at the House of Sapta Enchantment, Jakarta, Tuesday (28 / 8/2012).

Moreover, Ellyanthi said, 80 percent of Indonesian coffees are abroad. Therefore, it plans to organize Indonesian Coffee Festival to be held on 15-16 September 2012. The event will take place at the Museum Puri Paintings, Ubud, Gianyar, Bali.
"Previously we've organized Road to Indonesian Coffee Festival in London last year. This will be the first time the coffee festival held in Indonesia," said Ellyanthi.

Later, Ellyanthi said, visitors who attend the festival will see and know the coffee ranging from upstream to downstream, starting from the time of planting until the coffee served in a cup of coffee up.

Ellyanthi said, Ubud was chosen as host for the coffee festival Ubud has become an icon of tourism in Indonesia. In addition, the committee also will tour a coffee plantation in Kintamani, Bangli district.

"These gardens have got the right geographic identikasi. These gardens are one example of the best plantations in Indonesia. Would be no element of agro later on there," said Ellyanthi.
In the festival, the participants who participated is a manufacturer of coffee, coffee farmers, coffee spa use, to use coffee in a restaurant menu.

'Coffee use not just for drinking. Residue remains also to the spa, "says Ellyanthi.
In addition, drink containers for coffee producers to coffee communities will be present to enliven the festival. The festival is open to the general public, coffee lovers, coffee to businesses and restaurants.

According Ellyanthi, the festival will take some workshop agenda as baristas, coffee bazaar, and a visit to a coffee plantation. In barista workshop, will be training for baristas (coffee peracik operate an espresso machine).

"We expect the barista was attended not only students but also tourism. At Jakata and Surabaya, baristas are included in the curriculum of tourism. Students can become more familiar with Indonesian coffee. Hopefully there will also barista certification," said Tuti Mochtar of Indonesian Coffee Festival 2012 and also a coffee expert.

While the bazaar coffee, Ellyanthi explained that it would be fair coffee from different regions. He added that participation is filler bazaar coffee producers and coffee farmers. While the coffee plantation tour will invite festival goers to get to know the planting of coffee and a discussion with coffee farmers in Kintamani.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, said that coffee Nirwandar Indonesia is one of the best coffee in the world. Not to mention, he added, the potential for spread of Indonesian coffee from Aceh to Papua.

"We have no reason not to promote coffee. We have a lot of coffee that we support activities, one of which, the festival of coffee," Sapta said.

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Friday, August 17, 2012


Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia Indonesian pronunciation: [rÉ›pÊŠblɪk indÉ”nÉ›sɪa]), is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 17,508 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an elected legislature and president. The nation's capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Indonesia is a founding member of ASEAN and a member of the G-20 major economies. The Indonesian economy is the world's sixteenth largest by nominal GDP and fifteenth largest by purchasing power parity.

The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, and Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Muslim traders brought Islam, and European powers brought Christianity and fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Discovery. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II. Indonesia's history has since been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process, and periods of rapid economic change.

Across its many islands, Indonesia consists of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. The largest—and politically dominant—ethnic group are the Javanese. A shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country has abundant natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread.


The name Indonesia derives from the Latin and Greek Indus, and the Greek nèsos, meaning "island". The name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia. In 1850, George Windsor Earl, an English ethnologist, proposed the terms Indunesians — and, his preference, Malayunesians — for the inhabitants of the "Indian Archipelago or Malayan Archipelago".In the same publication, a student of Earl's, James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a synonym for Indian Archipelago. However, Dutch academics writing in East Indies publications were reluctant to use Indonesia. Instead, they used the terms Malay Archipelago (Maleische Archipel); the Netherlands East Indies (Nederlandsch Oost Indië), popularly Indië; the East (de Oost); and Insulinde

After 1900, the name Indonesia became more common in academic circles outside the Netherlands, and Indonesian nationalist groups adopted it for political expression. Adolf Bastian, of the University of Berlin, popularized the name through his book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884–1894. The first Indonesian scholar to use the name was Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), when he established a press bureau in the Netherlands with the name Indonesisch Pers-bureau in 1913


Fossils and the remains of tools show that the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited by Homo erectus, popularly known as the "Java Man", between 1.5 million years ago and as recently as 35,000 years ago. Homo sapiens reached the region by around 45,000 years ago. In 2011 evidence was uncovered in neighbouring East Timor, showing that 42,000 years ago these early settlers had high-level maritime skills, and by implication the technology needed to make ocean crossings to reach Australia and other islands, as they were catching and consuming large numbers of big deep sea fish such as tuna. 

Austronesian peoples, who form the majority of the modern population, migrated to South East Asia from Taiwan. They arrived in Indonesia around 2000 BCE, and as they spread through the archipelago, confined the native Melanesian peoples to the far eastern regions. Ideal agricultural conditions, and the mastering of wet-field rice cultivation as early as the 8th century BCE, allowed villages, towns, and small kingdoms to flourish by the 1st century CE. Indonesia’s strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade, including links with Indian kingdoms and China, which were established several centuries BCE.Trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history

From the 7th century, the powerful Srivijaya naval kingdom flourished as a result of trade and the influences of Hinduism and Buddhism that were imported with it. Between the 8th and 10th centuries, the agricultural Buddhist Sailendra and Hindu Mataram dynasties thrived and declined in inland Java, leaving grand religious monuments such as Sailendra's Borobudur and Mataram's Prambanan. The Hindu Majapahit kingdom was founded in eastern Java in the late 13th century, and under Gajah Mada, its influence stretched over much of Indonesia. 

Although Muslim traders first traveled through South East Asia early in the Islamic era, the earliest evidence of Islamized populations in Indonesia dates to the 13th century in northern Sumatra. Other Indonesian areas gradually adopted Islam, and it was the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra by the end of the 16th century. For the most part, Islam overlaid and mixed with existing cultural and religious influences, which shaped the predominant form of Islam in Indonesia, particularly in Java. The first regular contact between Europeans and the peoples of Indonesia began in 1512, when Portuguese traders, led by Francisco Serrão, sought to monopolize the sources of nutmeg, cloves, and cubeb pepper in Maluku. Dutch and British traders followed. In 1602 the Dutch established the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and became the dominant European power. Following bankruptcy, the VOC was formally dissolved in 1800, and the government of the Netherlands established the Dutch East Indies as a nationalized colony. 

For most of the colonial period, Dutch control over the archipelago was tenuous outside of coastal strongholds; only in the early 20th century did Dutch dominance extend to what was to become Indonesia's current boundaries. Despite major internal political, social and sectarian divisions during the Indonesian National Revolution, Indonesians, on the whole, found unity in their fight for independence. Japanese occupation during World War II ended Dutch rule, and encouraged the previously suppressed Indonesian independence movement. A later UN report stated that four million people died in Indonesia as a result of famine and forced labor during the Japanese occupation. Two days after the surrender of Japan in August 1945, Sukarno, an influential nationalist leader, declared independence and was appointed president. The Netherlands tried to reestablish their rule, and the resulting conflict ended in December 1949, when in the face of international pressure, the Dutch formally recognized Indonesian independence (with the exception of the Dutch territory of West New Guinea, which was incorporated into Indonesia following the 1962 New York Agreement, and the UN-mandated Act of Free Choice of 1969).

Sukarno moved Indonesia from democracy towards authoritarianism, and maintained his power base by balancing the opposing forces of the military and the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). An attempted coup on 30 September 1965 was countered by the army, who led a violent anti-communist purge, during which the PKI was blamed for the coup and effectively destroyed. Around 500,000 people are estimated to have been killed. The head of the military, General Suharto, outmaneuvered the politically weakened Sukarno, and was formally appointed president in March 1968. His New Order administration was supported by the US government, and encouraged foreign direct investment in Indonesia, which was a major factor in the subsequent three decades of substantial economic growth. However, the authoritarian "New Order" was widely accused of corruption and suppression of political opposition. 

Indonesia was the country hardest hit by the late 1990s Asian financial crisis. This led to popular protest against the New Order which led to Suharto's resignation in May 1998. In 1999, East Timor voted to secede from Indonesia, after a twenty-five-year military occupation that was marked by international condemnation of repression of the East Timorese. Since Suharto's resignation, a strengthening of democratic processes has included a regional autonomy program, and the first direct presidential election in 2004. Political and economic instability, social unrest, corruption, and terrorism slowed progress, however, in the last five years the economy has performed strongly. Although relations among different religious and ethnic groups are largely harmonious, sectarian discontent and violence has occurred. A political settlement to an armed separatist conflict in Aceh was achieved in 2005.
Foreign relations and military

In contrast to Sukarno's anti-imperialistic antipathy to western powers and tensions with Malaysia, Indonesia's foreign relations since the Suharto "New Order" have been based on economic and political cooperation with Western nations. Indonesia maintains close relationships with its neighbors in Asia, and is a founding member of ASEAN and the East Asia Summit. The nation restored relations with the People's Republic of China in 1990 following a freeze in place since anti-communist purges early in the Suharto era. 

Indonesia has been a member of the United Nations since 1950, and was a founder of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC, now the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation). Indonesia is signatory to the ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement, the Cairns Group, and the WTO, and has historically been a member of OPEC, although it withdrew in 2008 as it was no longer a net exporter of oil. Indonesia has received humanitarian and development aid since 1966, in particular from the United States, western Europe, Australia, and Japan. 

The Indonesian Government has worked with other countries to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators of major bombings linked to militant Islamism and Al-Qaeda. The deadliest bombing killed 202 people (including 164 international tourists) in the Bali resort town of Kuta in 2002. The attacks, and subsequent travel warnings issued by other countries, severely damaged Indonesia's tourism industry and foreign investment prospects. 

Indonesia's 300,000-member armed forces (TNI) include the Army (TNI–AD), Navy (TNI–AL, which includes marines), and Air Force (TNI–AU). The army has about 400,000 active-duty personnel. Defense spending in the national budget was 4% of GDP in 2006, and is controversially supplemented by revenue from military commercial interests and foundations. One of the reforms following the 1998 resignation of Suharto was the removal of formal TNI representation in parliament; nevertheless, its political influence remains extensive.
Separatist movements in the provinces of Aceh and Papua have led to armed conflict, and subsequent allegations of human rights abuses and brutality from all sides. Following a sporadic thirty-year guerrilla war between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian military, a ceasefire agreement was reached in 2005. In Papua, there has been a significant, albeit imperfect, implementation of regional autonomy laws, and a reported decline in the levels of violence and human rights abuses, since the presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Administrative divisions

Administratively, Indonesia consists of 33 provinces, five of which have special status. Each province has its own legislature and governor. The provinces are subdivided into regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota), which are further subdivided into districts (kecamatan), and again into village groupings (either desa or kelurahan). Furthermore, a village is divided into several citizen-groups (Rukun-Warga (RW)) which are further divided into several neighbourhood-groups (Rukun-Tetangga (RT)). Following the implementation of regional autonomy measures in 2001, the regencies and cities have become the key administrative units, responsible for providing most government services. The village administration level is the most influential on a citizen's daily life, and handles matters of a village or neighborhood through an elected lurah or kepala desa (village chief).

The provinces of Aceh, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Papua, and West Papua have greater legislative privileges and a higher degree of autonomy from the central government than the other provinces. The Acehnese government, for example, has the right to create certain elements of an independent legal system; in 2003, it instituted a form of Sharia (Islamic law). Yogyakarta was granted the status of Special Region in recognition of its pivotal role in supporting Indonesian Republicans during the Indonesian Revolution. Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya, was granted special autonomy status in 2001 and was separated into Papua and West Papua in February 2003. Jakarta is the country's special capital region.

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY INDONESIA, 67 years old. Hmm.. that's not just a moment. I hope Indonesia will be the best country again. I LOVE YOU INDONESIA!! I PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN!!

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Saturday, August 4, 2012


Here is unique facts about the unique Indonesian language:

1. Become the second official Language in the Vietnam

Local Government Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, announced Indonesian became second language officially in December 2007, said an Indonesian diplomat.

"Indonesian par with English, French and Japanese as a second language that prioritized," said Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City for the period 2007-2008, Irdamis Ahmad in Jakarta on Friday.

To develop and facilitate the study of Indonesian, the Indonesian Consulate General in that city the means necessary to help some of the university, said Irdamis.

Assisted facilities include computer equipment, props, faculty and financial aid assistance for any activity related to the promotion of Indonesian efforts in the region of each university.

College speech contest was also held in Indonesian, Indonesia essay on race and cultural exhibitions. Hong Bang University, National University of HCMC University of Social and Humanities and open study of Indonesian.
"The number of students enrolled until November 2008 as many as 63 people and according to the universities, the interest to study the Indonesian tends to increase," said Irdamis.
He believes most of the young Vietnam saw a need to study the Indonesian language, given the possibility of increasing bilateral relations between the two most populous countries in ASEAN in the future.
2. Indonesian studied more than 45 countries in the world
Although the most effective change is to change the image of reality, but the role of culture and the Indonesian language in diplomacy is crucial. The high interest in learning foreign languages ​​and culture of Indonesia should be positively welcomed. If you need to Indonesia Indonesia to add the Cultural Center in a number of countries, in order to build mutual understanding and improve your image.
Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andri Hadi was speaking when he appeared at the IX Congress plenary Indonesian language, which discusses the Indonesian as a Media Diplomacy in Developing Indonesia's image in the international World on Wednesday (29/10) in Jakarta.
"Currently there are 45 countries to teach Indonesian, such as Australia, America, Canada, Vietnam, and many other countries," he said.

 Taking the example of Australia, Andri Hadi explained, in Australia Indonesian became the fourth most popular languages. There are about 500 schools teach Indonesian. In fact, children of primary school grade 6 one can speak Indonesian.
For the sake of diplomacy and foreign people gain knowledge about the Indonesian language, according to Director General of Information and Diplomacy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Indonesian modules on the internet need to be held, so that people can access anywhere and anytime.
In addition, the presence of Indonesian Cultural Center in a number of very helpful and important. Foreign countries aggressively building a cultural center, as China is the second time over 100 years to build a cultural center. As for Indonesia to increase and build the Cultural Center of constrained budgets and human resources are reliable.
In the previous plenary session, the Head of the Department of Education Language Centre Dendy Sugono are talking about the politics of language in Indonesia to Establish Competitive Intelligent Insan Indonesia on Civilizations Nations Foundation, said the demands of the future world of work requires an intelligent human being, creative / innovative, and competitive, both locally, nationally, and globally.
To fulfill this purpose, it is very necessary balance mastery of mother tongue (language area), Indonesian, and foreign language to those who are globally competitive, he said.
Dendy describes Sugono, Indonesia needs intelligent human being competitive, to include lo cal spiritual intelligence, skills, and local languages. To national needs include emotional intelligence, skill, and Indonesian. As for the necessary global intelligence, excellence, and foreign languages.

3. Indonesian language Wikipedia was ranked 26th in the world and the Third Largest in Asia
Writing the free encyclopedia on the Internet is increasingly popular Indonesian society. Indonesia and even the free encyclopedia, Wikipedia Indonesia, has become the third largest electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia in Japanese and Mandarin.
"Wikipedia Indonesia now ranked 26 of 250 foreign-language Wikipedia in the world. Whereas in Asia we are ranked third, after Japan and Mandarin, "said Ivan Lanin, the growing number of activists, here on Tuesday.
According to Ivan, who daily work as a lecturer in Information Communication Technology (ICT), Wikipedia Indonesia continued to grow rapidly. "Contributors to grow, so does the article. Its contents are also more varied, "he said.
The high arousal encyclopedia activists were also reflected in the workshop "Writing on Wikipedia Indonesia" series of events held in Indonesia Information Communication Technology (ICT Awards Indonesia) 2007 in Jakarta Convention Center.
"The high interest in this workshop, proving more and more people are interested in sharing his knowledge on Wikipedia," said one board "Wikipedia Indonesia", Revo AG Soekatno here on Tuesday.
Men who are active in Indonesia since 2003 Wikipedia was first revealed on the number of participants reached more than 40 people while the number of computers provided for the training is very limited. Every person is entitled to participants at no charge and get a souvenir from the organizing committee.
"The number of registered much more, but because of limited space and computer equipment for training, so we restricted our participants. In fact there are many participants who did not receive computer training remains states participate, "said the man who is now completing a study of S-3 in the Netherlands.
In the training the participants learn how to write, edit, or add information.
Revo says the free encyclopedia Indonesia now has 69 thousand active contributor of articles with as many as 30 people. Included is a line of the board as many as 14 people.
Despite having developed quite rapidly, the free encyclopedia is several times problematic in terms of the written information contributors. Ie, data and facts that are less accurate and because of the conflict antarkontributor pebedaan dna understanding the data. The issue of politics, religion, and economics is often problematic in terms of accuracy of the information.
"The challenge ahead Wikipedia Indonesia is how to improve the credibility and public trust Wikipedia because the information in Indonesia continues to be updated at any time," said the Revo. (*)
4. Indonesian language the third most widely used on wordpress
... The fact that after the Spanish, Indonesian is the language which was third most widely used Wordpress in these posts. Indonesia also is the second largest country in the world's fastest growing in the use of the blog engine. In the past 6 months 143 108 registered users from Indonesia and the new Wordpress has been around 117 601 633 visits via 40 cities in Indonesia.

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