Saturday, December 29, 2012


Hello! How are you today? Now I'll share information about Aceh Province!!

The Capital City of Aceh Province is Banda Aceh. In 2009, have 4.664.987 population. Religion is Islam (97,6 %) , Christian (1,7 %) , Hindu (0,08 %), Buddhism (0,55 %) . Aceh province has 13 tribes, namely Aceh, Gayo, Aneuk Jamee, Singkil, Alas, Tamiang, Kluet, Devayan, Sigulai, Pakpak, Haloban, Lekon and Nias.

This area bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean in the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south.

Aceh harbor is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, Ulee Lheue, Sabang, Lhokseumawe dan Langsa. Are You remember? In 26 December 2004, Aceh suffered a massive earthquake who killed many people and destroyed Aceh. But now, Aceh rebuild them province again.

Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas. Natural resources it is located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh is also famous for its forest resources, which lies along the Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Southeast Aceh, Seulawah, Aceh Besar, until Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park, the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) are also found in Southeast Aceh.

The traditional house from Aceh called 'Rumoh Aceh'. And the traditional dance from Aceh are saman dance, rapai dance, jeumpa dance, laweut dance, likok pulo dance, pho dance, ranip lampuan dance, rapai geleng dance, reteb meuseukat dance, etc. 

That's About Aceh Province Profile. I'll give you some information about Aceh in my next posting!

I hope you want to leave a comment! 

Bye-bye! See you in my next posting! Love you All!


  1. Hello, thank you for writing about Banda Aceh. I am writing a story set in Banda Aceh even though I have never been there. I wonder if you would be willing to answer some unusual questions about life there, like 'is the airport air conditioned' and 'what kind of minivan is most common there'? thank you in advance if you are willing to answer.

  2. insya allah in my next post..:)


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