Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Tree Beauties of Komodo Island

Hello world traveller! I'm sorry that I leave this blog for 2 years before, because I'm busy to study for preparing my national exam. But don't worry, now I'm back!! And i will show you the real beauty of indonesia! I will post beauty place, delicious food, and interesting culture of Indonesia.

Now, I will post about Komodo Island! There are Tree Beauties of Komodo island! What is that?
Just check this out!


And this is the picture of pink beach. What a beautiful beach! If you a girl, I bet you will like this beach so much, especially for the 'pinky'. How can the sand in this beach become pink? It's because the red colar fragment were destroyed mix with the white sand. And this beach still clean and beautiful.

2. Komodo National Park (Underwater)

Here we can see 277 species of animal which is a mix of animals from Asia and Australia. Moreover, for us who like snorkeling, here is also a paradise for fish and coral reefs. There are at least 253 species of reef-building corals, 70 species of sponge, and 1,000 species of fish. That's where life dugong, sharks, 14 species of whales, dolphins, and turtles.

3. Ancient Animal aka Komodo

Giant lizards including ancient animal was first discovered in 1910 by Peter Ouwens, director of the Bogor Zoological Museum. And currently dragon populations can only be found in Indonesia. On the island, there are about 2,500 Komodo dragons included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

And that's all guys! What do you think? Amazing right?

So what do you waiting for? C'mon come and visit our Wonderful Indonesia!!!

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