Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Tree Beauties of Komodo Island

Hello world traveller! I'm sorry that I leave this blog for 2 years before, because I'm busy to study for preparing my national exam. But don't worry, now I'm back!! And i will show you the real beauty of indonesia! I will post beauty place, delicious food, and interesting culture of Indonesia.

Now, I will post about Komodo Island! There are Tree Beauties of Komodo island! What is that?
Just check this out!


And this is the picture of pink beach. What a beautiful beach! If you a girl, I bet you will like this beach so much, especially for the 'pinky'. How can the sand in this beach become pink? It's because the red colar fragment were destroyed mix with the white sand. And this beach still clean and beautiful.

2. Komodo National Park (Underwater)

Here we can see 277 species of animal which is a mix of animals from Asia and Australia. Moreover, for us who like snorkeling, here is also a paradise for fish and coral reefs. There are at least 253 species of reef-building corals, 70 species of sponge, and 1,000 species of fish. That's where life dugong, sharks, 14 species of whales, dolphins, and turtles.

3. Ancient Animal aka Komodo

Giant lizards including ancient animal was first discovered in 1910 by Peter Ouwens, director of the Bogor Zoological Museum. And currently dragon populations can only be found in Indonesia. On the island, there are about 2,500 Komodo dragons included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

And that's all guys! What do you think? Amazing right?

So what do you waiting for? C'mon come and visit our Wonderful Indonesia!!!

Write your comment!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Parai Tenggiri Beach

Tenggiri Parai beach is nautical tourism in the village of Matras, District Sungailiat. This beach is very exotic, especially if the state of the sea water receded, it would seem that granite stones grayish black color even white which looks beautiful. On the beach there were already star hotel, so it is suitable for domestic tourists or foreign tourists.

To reach this beach, a trip along the road surface is quite smooth, and there are two big rivers with dense mangrove trees along the edges. It takes approximately 50 minutes to arrive at Parai Beach Resort & Spa, a four-star hotel owned by El John Group.

Beautiful scenery in the form of large white stones scattered gray along Parai Beach, crystal clear sea, clean white sand, and a gentle breeze is a natural beauty that can be enjoyed at Parai Beach. Walking along the beach, Stepping on the smooth white sand was fun and refreshing the soul.

It took about 50 minutes to fly from Soekarno-Hatta airport in Jakarta to Depati Amir Pangkalpinang, with more than six flights a day, including Garuda, Sriwijaya Air and Batavia. Taxis are available at the Depati Amir airport , including his driver and car rental are also available with the rental price is quite reasonable.

So, what else you waiting for? Let's come to the Parai Tenggiri Beach and enjoy a beautiful view of the dazzling!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saman Dance (Dance Of Thousand Hands)

Saman dance is Aceh traditional dance. Saman dance is a tribal dance Gayo (Gayo Lues) which is displayed to celebrate important events in custom. Saman dance using poetry in Arabic and Gayo. Also usually this dance also displayed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. In some literature mentions Saman dance in Aceh was founded and developed by Sheikh Saman, a scholar who came from Southeast Aceh Gayo. Saman dance by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List of Man in the 6th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of UNESCO Cultural Heritage No object in Bali, 24 November 2011.
Saman dance is one of the media to achieve message (da'wah). This dance reflects the educational, religious, manners, heroism, teamwork and togetherness.

Song of the dancers add to the dynamics of saman dance. How to sing songs in saman dance is divided into 5 types:

1. Rengum, the roar that begins by lifter.
2. Dering, namely Rengum which was quickly followed by all dancers.
3. Redet, namely short songs with short sound sung by a dancer at the center of the dance.
4. Syek, the song sung by a dancer with a long high-pitched voice, usually as a sign of change in motion
5. Saur, the song that is repeated by all dancers after sung by a solo dancer.

Saman dance using two elements pertaining to the basic elements of the dance saman: applause and pat his chest. Allegedly, when the spreading of Islamic religion, sheikh saman studying ancient Malay dance, then bring back through the motion, along with poems da'wah Islam to facilitate his preaching. In the present context, religious ritual dance is still used as a medium for conveying messages da'wah through performances.


Saman dance is one dance that is quite unique, because they only show the motion of applause other movements, such as rocking motion, kirep, lingang, surang-saring (all motion is Gayo language)

In general, saman dance played by a dozen or dozens of men, but the number must be odd. Another opinion says This dance is danced more or less than 10 people, with details of 8 dancers and 2 as the command grantor while singing. However, the developments in the modern era requires that a dance would be more lively when danced by dancers with higher numbers. To set the various movements it instituted a leader who called sheikh. In addition to regulating the movement of the dancers, Sheikh is also in charge of singing song lyrics that warrant ganit.



Hello! How are you today? Now I'll share information about Aceh Province!!

The Capital City of Aceh Province is Banda Aceh. In 2009, have 4.664.987 population. Religion is Islam (97,6 %) , Christian (1,7 %) , Hindu (0,08 %), Buddhism (0,55 %) . Aceh province has 13 tribes, namely Aceh, Gayo, Aneuk Jamee, Singkil, Alas, Tamiang, Kluet, Devayan, Sigulai, Pakpak, Haloban, Lekon and Nias.

This area bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean in the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south.

Aceh harbor is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, Ulee Lheue, Sabang, Lhokseumawe dan Langsa. Are You remember? In 26 December 2004, Aceh suffered a massive earthquake who killed many people and destroyed Aceh. But now, Aceh rebuild them province again.

Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas. Natural resources it is located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh is also famous for its forest resources, which lies along the Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Southeast Aceh, Seulawah, Aceh Besar, until Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park, the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) are also found in Southeast Aceh.

The traditional house from Aceh called 'Rumoh Aceh'. And the traditional dance from Aceh are saman dance, rapai dance, jeumpa dance, laweut dance, likok pulo dance, pho dance, ranip lampuan dance, rapai geleng dance, reteb meuseukat dance, etc. 

That's About Aceh Province Profile. I'll give you some information about Aceh in my next posting!

I hope you want to leave a comment! 

Bye-bye! See you in my next posting! Love you All!